%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import traceback
from notebook_utils import *
from Traj import *
import asyncio
import pathlib
import os
from utils import load_config_params
from localization_extras import Localization
# The imports below will only work if you copied the required ble-related python files
# into the notebooks directory
from ble import get_ble_controller
from base_ble import LOG
from cmd_types import CMD
import numpy as np
from ble_rx_stream import *
# Setup Logger
LOG = get_logger('final_notebook.log')
LOG.propagate = False
# Init GUI and Commander
gui = GET_GUI()
cmdr = gui.launcher.commander
# Start the plotter
Define the RealRobot class in the code cell below, based on the documentation and your real robot communication protocol.
This class is used by the Localization class to communicate with the real robot.
More specifically, the Localization class utilizes the RealRobot's member function perform_observation_loop() to get the 18 sensor readings and store them in its member variable obs_range_data, which is then utilized in the update step.
class RealRobot():
"""A class to interact with the real robot
def __init__(self, commander, ble):
# Load world config
self.world_config = os.path.join(str(pathlib.Path(os.getcwd()).parent), "config", "world.yaml")
self.config_params = load_config_params(self.world_config)
# Commander to commuincate with the Plotter process
# Used by the Localization module to plot odom and belief
self.cmdr = commander
# ArtemisBLEController to communicate with the Robot
self.ble = ble
def set_pose(self, pose):
self.current_gt = pose
def get_pose(self):
"""Get robot pose based on odometry
current_odom -- Odometry Pose (meters, meters, degrees)
current_gt -- Ground Truth Pose (meters, meters, degrees)
return np.array([]), np.array(self.current_gt)
async def perform_observation_loop(self, rot_vel=120):
"""Perform the observation loop behavior on the real robot, where the robot does
a 360 degree turn in place while collecting equidistant (in the angular space) sensor
readings, with the first sensor reading taken at the robot's current heading.
The number of sensor readings depends on "observations_count"(=18) defined in world.yaml.
Keyword arguments:
rot_vel -- (Optional) Angular Velocity for loop (degrees/second)
Do not remove this parameter from the function definition, even if you don't use it.
sensor_ranges -- A column numpy array of the range values (meters)
sensor_bearings -- A column numpy array of the bearings at which the sensor readings were taken (degrees)
The bearing values are not used in the Localization module, so you may return a empty numpy array
calibrate_s = 0.0
max_angle = 360.0
delta_angle = 20.0
tolerance = 1.0
min_pid = tolerance
max_pid = delta_angle + 2 * tolerance
min_motor = 100
max_motor = 140
k_p = -1.0
k_i = -0.5
k_d = 0.0
self.ble.send_command(CMD.JUST_MAP, f"{int(calibrate_s*1000)}|{max_angle}|{delta_angle}|{tolerance}|{min_pid}|{max_pid}|{min_motor}|{max_motor}|{k_p}|{k_i}|{k_d}")
await asyncio.sleep(30)
fut = ble_rx_stream(ble, 'RX_STREAM')
self.ble.send_command(CMD.DATA_MAP, "")
stream_map = list(unpack_stream('LfH*', await fut))
map_data = np.array(stream_map)
# map_time = map_data[:, 0] / 1000
# map_angl = map_data[:, 1]
map_dist = map_data[:, 2] / 1000
return map_dist[::-1][np.newaxis].T, np.array([])
# Initialize RealRobot with a Commander object to communicate with the plotter process
# and the ArtemisBLEController object to communicate with the real robot
robot = RealRobot(cmdr, ble)
# Initialize mapper
# Requires a VirtualRobot object as a parameter
mapper = Mapper(robot)
# Initialize your BaseLocalization object
# Requires a RealRobot object and a Mapper object as parameters
loc = Localization(robot, mapper)
## Plot Map
waypoints = np.array([
(-4, -3, 0),
(-2, -1, 0),
( 1, -1, 0),
( 2, -3, 0),
( 5, -3, 0),
( 5, -2, 0),
( 5, 3, 0),
( 0, 3, 0),
( 0, 0, 0),
]) * 0.3048
# at each waypoint, point to the next one
waypoints[:-1,2] = np.degrees(np.arctan2(waypoints[1:,1] - waypoints[:-1,1], waypoints[1:,0] - waypoints[:-1,0]))
# last waypoint doesn't need to turn
waypoints[-1,2] = waypoints[-2,2]
async def execute_and_observe(delta_rot_1, delta_trans, delta_rot_2):
# First rotation
calibrate_s = 0.0
delta_angle = delta_rot_1
tolerance = 1.0
min_pid = tolerance
max_pid = delta_angle + 2 * tolerance
min_motor = 120
max_motor = 160
k_p = -1.0
k_i = -0.5
k_d = 0.0
ble.send_command(CMD.ROTATE, f"{int(calibrate_s*1000)}|{delta_angle}|{tolerance}|{min_pid}|{max_pid}|{min_motor}|{max_motor}|{k_p}|{k_i}|{k_d}")
# Translation
delta_distance_m = delta_trans
tolerance_mm = 50
min_pid = tolerance_mm
max_pid = delta_distance_m + 2 * tolerance_mm
min_motor = 60
max_motor = 100
k_p = 1.0
k_i = 0.0
k_d = 0.0
ble.send_command(CMD.DRIVE, f"{int(delta_distance_m*1000)}|{int(tolerance_mm)}|{min_pid}|{max_pid}|{min_motor}|{max_motor}|{k_p}|{k_i}|{k_d}")
# Second rotation
calibrate_s = 0.0
delta_angle = delta_rot_2
tolerance = 1.0
min_pid = tolerance
max_pid = delta_angle + 2 * tolerance
min_motor = 120
max_motor = 160
k_p = -1.0
k_i = -0.5
k_d = 0.0
ble.send_command(CMD.ROTATE, f"{int(calibrate_s*1000)}|{delta_angle}|{tolerance}|{min_pid}|{max_pid}|{min_motor}|{max_motor}|{k_p}|{k_i}|{k_d}")
# Get Observation Data by executing a 360 degree rotation motion
await loc.get_observation_data()
# Reset Plots
# Calibrate gyroscope
calibrate_s = 1.5
ble.send_command(CMD.CALIBRATE, f"{int(calibrate_s*1000)}")
# Init Point Mass Belief at start point
current_gt = np.array([waypoints[0,0], waypoints[0,1], 0])
# Get Observation Data by executing a 360 degree rotation motion
await loc.get_observation_data()
# Run Update Step
pos_error = loc.print_update_stats(plot_data=False)
# Plot Belief and GT (i.e. waypoint)
current_bel = current_gt - pos_error
cmdr.plot_gt(current_gt[0], current_gt[1])
cmdr.plot_bel(current_bel[0], current_bel[1])
# Run through each motion steps
for t in range(1, 9):
print("\n\n-----------------", t, "-----------------")
current_gt = waypoints[t,:]
# Create a turn-go-turn plan, Move the robot along the plan, and get Observation data
plan = loc.compute_control(current_gt, current_bel)
observation_fut = asyncio.create_task(execute_and_observe(*plan))
await asyncio.sleep(0) # allow scheduler to run
# Prediction Step
loc.prediction_step(current_gt, current_bel)
# Update Step
await observation_fut
pos_error = loc.print_update_stats(plot_data=False)
current_bel = current_gt - pos_error
cmdr.plot_gt(current_gt[0], current_gt[1])
cmdr.plot_bel(current_bel[0], current_bel[1])
# Uncomment the below line to wait for keyboard input between each iteration.
# input("Press Enter to Continue")
# Calibrate gyroscope
calibrate_s = 1.5
ble.send_command(CMD.CALIBRATE, f"{int(calibrate_s*1000)}")
# Init Point Mass Belief at start point
current_gt = np.array([waypoints[0,0], waypoints[0,1], 0])
current_bel = current_gt
# Run through each motion steps
for t in range(1, 9):
print("\n\n-----------------", t, "-----------------")
current_gt = waypoints[t,:]
# Create a turn-go-turn plan, Move the robot along the plan, and get Observation data
delta_rot_1, delta_trans, delta_rot_2 = loc.compute_control(current_gt, current_bel)
# First rotation
calibrate_s = 0.0
delta_angle = delta_rot_1
tolerance = 1.0
min_pid = tolerance
max_pid = delta_angle + 2 * tolerance
min_motor = 100
max_motor = 140
k_p = 1.0
k_i = 0.5
k_d = 0.0
ble.send_command(CMD.ROTATE, f"{int(calibrate_s*1000)}|{delta_angle}|{tolerance}|{min_pid}|{max_pid}|{min_motor}|{max_motor}|{k_p}|{k_i}|{k_d}")
# Translation
delta_distance_m = delta_trans
tolerance_mm = 50
min_pid = tolerance_mm
max_pid = delta_distance_m * 1000 + 2 * tolerance_mm
min_motor = 80
max_motor = 100
k_p = 1.0
k_i = 0.0
k_d = 0.0
ble.send_command(CMD.DRIVE, f"{int(delta_distance_m*1000)}|{int(tolerance_mm)}|{min_pid}|{max_pid}|{min_motor}|{max_motor}|{k_p}|{k_i}|{k_d}")
# Second rotation
calibrate_s = 0.0
delta_angle = delta_rot_2
tolerance = 1.0
min_pid = tolerance
max_pid = delta_angle + 2 * tolerance
min_motor = 100
max_motor = 140
k_p = 1.0
k_i = 0.5
k_d = 0.0
ble.send_command(CMD.ROTATE, f"{int(calibrate_s*1000)}|{delta_angle}|{tolerance}|{min_pid}|{max_pid}|{min_motor}|{max_motor}|{k_p}|{k_i}|{k_d}")
current_bel = current_gt
# Uncomment the below line to wait for keyboard input between each iteration.
input("Press Enter to Continue")
ble.write(ble.uuid['TX_PWM_LONG'], (0).to_bytes(4, 'little'))
calibrate_s = 1.0
delta_angle = 45
tolerance = 1.0
min_pid = tolerance
max_pid = delta_angle + 2 * tolerance
min_motor = 100
max_motor = 140
k_p = 1.0
k_i = 0.5
k_d = 0.0
ble.send_command(CMD.ROTATE, f"{int(calibrate_s*1000)}|{delta_angle}|{tolerance}|{min_pid}|{max_pid}|{min_motor}|{max_motor}|{k_p}|{k_i}|{k_d}")
delta_distance_m = 0.6
tolerance_mm = 50
min_pid = tolerance_mm
max_pid = delta_distance_m * 1000 + 2 * tolerance_mm
min_motor = 80
max_motor = 100
k_p = 1.0
k_i = 0.0
k_d = 0.0
ble.send_command(CMD.DRIVE, f"{int(delta_distance_m*1000)}|{int(tolerance_mm)}|{min_pid}|{max_pid}|{min_motor}|{max_motor}|{k_p}|{k_i}|{k_d}")
calibrate_s = 1.0
delta_angle = -45
tolerance = 1.0
min_pid = tolerance
max_pid = delta_angle + 2 * tolerance
min_motor = 100
max_motor = 140
k_p = 1.0
k_i = 0.5
k_d = 0.0
ble.send_command(CMD.ROTATE, f"{int(calibrate_s*1000)}|{delta_angle}|{tolerance}|{min_pid}|{max_pid}|{min_motor}|{max_motor}|{k_p}|{k_i}|{k_d}")
def send_motor(ble, fwd_1=0, bck_1=0, fwd_2=0, bck_2=0):
return ble.write(ble.uuid['TX_PWM_LONG'], bytearray([fwd_1, bck_1, fwd_2, bck_2]))
def go_fwd(power, delay):
send_motor(ble, power, 0, power, 0)
send_motor(ble, 0, 0, 0, 0)
def go_bck(power, delay):
send_motor(ble, 0, power, 0, power)
send_motor(ble, 0, 0, 0, 0)
def turn_r(power, delay):
send_motor(ble, 0, power, power, 0)
send_motor(ble, 0, 0, 0, 0)
def turn_l(power, delay):
send_motor(ble, power, 0, 0, power)
send_motor(ble, 0, 0, 0, 0)
go_fwd(80, 0.3)
turn_l(130, 0.2)
turn_r(130, 0.2)